理查德布兰森的自传:《致所有疯狂的家伙》Richard Branson- Losing My Virginity

Richard Branson- Losing My Virginity

理查德布兰森的自传:《致所有疯狂的家伙》 -理查德是维珍德创始人,曾被《时代周刊》评为世界100位最具影响力的任务。勇于打破常规,用兴趣与爱好成就世界。 Richard Branson-Losing My Virginity Helps you discover how the author is committed to build a better world through responsible, holistic business practices and ventures such as the Virgin Health Bank, which is contributing to regenerative medicine, Virgin Fuels, which has pledged GBP200 million to renewable energy projects, and his company's charitable arm, Virgin United. This is the worldwide bestselling autobiography of iconic entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, featuring his take on his latest business ventures, personal achievements and intrepid adventures. In Losing my Virginity, you'll discover how Sir Richard is committed to building a better world through responsible, holistic business practices and ventures such as the Virgin Health Bank, which is contributing to regenerative medicine, Virgin Fuels, which has pledged GBP200 million to renewable energy projects, and his company's charitable arm, Virgin Unite. You'll also learn about how Sir Richard and his company are reaching for the stars in a new era of commercial space travel with Virgin Galactic. With insights into this very public figure's personal life as well as his business successes and the lessons he's learned along the way, this is an amazing memoir, motivational business guide and inspiring story that will capture your imagination.

Get Your Book Here: https://amzn.to/2Ww6gDK

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